IPTPA Skill Level Rating Sessions

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Do you have an objective skill level rating that is yours and yours alone? Would you like to receive an accurate rating independent of the performance of gameplay partners or questionable bracket decisions made in tournament or ladder competitions?

Coach Mark became a Certified Rating Specialist and Director of an IPTPA Training and Testing Center to provide objective and bias free ratings for clients. The IPTPA Rating System is a standardized process used to determine and improve the skills of players around the world.

Coach Mark utilizes the IPTPA Rating System as a performance-based measure of skill improvement. He incorporates the rating protocol into his Workout and Training Plans for clients seeking to improve gameplay performance and obtain a higher skill level rating. With the IPTPA System, you won’t be surprised by the expectations and standards needed to move up in level.

Contact Coach Mark for more information on how to obtain your IPTPA rating.

Published by Coach Mark

Coach Mark is a Certified Pickleball Coach, Teaching Professional, Rating Specialist, and Director of an IPTPA Training and Testing Center. Learn more at www.coach-mark.com